Heart and hands with Violet Flame

The Call Compels the Answer!

A violet flame decree has the power to harness and focus spiritual energies with laser-like precision using the power of the spoken word.

When God (Elohim) created heaven and earth the fiat went forth: “Let there be light: and there was light.” This is the command to light spoken by the Creator. This command we can confirm on earth, as in heaven.

The spoken Word is the key. When we speak with the authority of our Father-Mother God, always in the name of the “I AM” Presence, our meditations and your visualizations (charged with pure feelings and steady concentration) become physical through our spoken decrees.

This is the God-intended goal for our lives. We are called the Son of man because it is our destiny to be on earth a co-creator with Elohim. By the exercise of our free will in accordance with his laws, it is God's divine plan that we draw into the physical plane all of the light and higher consciousness of heaven.

The process of sealing the light in the physical atoms of our physical body and the planet can be accomplished only by the decree of the Word, the spoken Word, spoken with the authority of the I AM name. It is through the sixteen-petaled throat chakra that the words we pronounce are empowered by our God Presence to manifest the unformed into physical form.

This is why mantras have been intoned in the East by the science of sound for thousands of years. The mantra becomes the chalice that holds the sacred fire of God in the physical plane for the blessing of all life.

The science of the spoken Word as the ascended masters teach it is a step-up of the prayer forms of East and West. It combines prayer, mantra, affirmation, visualization and meditation with dynamic decrees. These bring into being a dynamism of energy that we pass through our chakras to benefit and bless the entire world.

Every Violet Flame Decree Is a Precise Alchemical Formula

The Call (or preamble)

We, first, address the Divinity within (our I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self) and without (God, the ascended masters, archangels). Each call specifies the focus of the violet flame decree and activates your chakras (third eye for visualization, feeling in our heart, etc.) for maximum effect.

Here is a simple violet flame call given by El Morya in The Chela and the Path:

“In the name of the Christ Self and in the name of the living God, I call forth the energies of the sacred fire from the altar within my heart. In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, I invoke the violet flame to blaze forth from the center of the threefold flame, from the white-fire core of my own I AM Presence, multiplied by the momentum of the blessed Ascended Master Saint Germain.

“I call forth that light to penetrate my soul and to activate my soul memory of freedom and the original blueprint of my soul's destiny. I call forth the violet transmuting flame to pass through my four lower bodies and through my soul consciousness to transmute the cause and core of all that is less than my Christ-perfection, all that is not in keeping with the will of God for my life-stream.

“So let it be done by the cloven tongues of the fire of the Holy Spirit in fulfillment of the action of that sacred fire as above, so below. And I accept it done this hour in the full power of the living God who even now declares within my soul, ‘I AM WHO I AM.'”

The Body of a Violet Flame Decree

This is the prayer, repeated aloud, that delivers the decree’s power. A simple violet flame decree is:

I AM the Violet Flame
In action in me now
I AM the Violet Flame
To Light alone I bow
I AM the Violet Flame
In mighty Cosmic Power
I AM the Light of God
Shining every hour
I AM the Violet Flame
Blazing like a sun
I AM God’s sacred power
Freeing everyone.

The Close (or Sealing)

This seals the energies generated by the decree and your acceptance of the blessing promotes the manifestation of the desired outcome…always adjusted to the Will of God.

And in full Faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest! (3x) right here and now with full Power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the light and free! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!

For more examples of decrees that you may use anytime, please check your Violet Flame resource page.


  1. Oh my dear lord Saint Germain – I bow down to your blessing , love and wisdom. I AM Love , I Am wisdom , I am perfection , I AM abundance, I AM Compassionate.🙏🙏❤️❤️

  2. Thank you Saint Germain. Thank you all who are helping our planet earth to ascend. Love you all. I am a being of violet flame. I am the light of God.

    1. Amen! Love the postive energy and we all love you. Yes we are the light of God. And God bless you.

  3. It works— a delight to feel the result of practicing this prayer work, is that you feel it working— at first a little change in consciousness, and heart —a more peaceful state of mind; sense of Lightness; diminishing of grief, confusion or fear. A sense of fresh air, like being in the woods. This is my experience. Those of us who have found and practice the Violet Flame, pray that the angels quicken all to be drawn to this simple joyful gift of dissolving human pain and conflict not only for self but for all God’s creation.

    1. Dear Heart,
      Thank you for writing this unusual and beautiful description!
      I would love to have your permission to use this quote in my next email.

    2. Amen and yes it does really work. I noticed some little changes that were different then the normal in positive ways and I’ve even been having like more vivid dreams meeting angels and given me massages more then before but just my day to day life is different, I have power that i didn’t know that i had . Dealing with things and changing that from the past to heal and manifest. I’m getting my husband into this as well. God Bless you and your great news.

  4. Thank you for helping me to restore more Violet Flame within me. I cannot walk due to an unfortunate act of another person not paying attention to the notice in the Hospital. They had me up walking before I was suppose to. I did go to Group of The I Am when living in another City. It has been several years. I just recently found information about The I Am on Facebook. I am so happy to be doing Decrees, I can feel a difference in my Soul. I so want to walk again and I know The Violet Flame is going to do that for me.

    1. Barb I will pray for you.
      You have my word.
      The hospital made a mistake with me also but the violet flame has this and St. Germain HAS got this. He stands for JUSTICE.

  5. Joyfully, I give thanks for the opportunity to experience the Violet Light. My daughter and I walked a 5K today for my grandson’s school. I knew that I had not trained for this but I so wanted to go. As the people started to run and others walk, I brought a paper filled with decrees. Being determined to go to the end, I repeated the decrees over and over. Not only did I finish the race but I memorized one decree. Since I am older probably the oldest one there and nothing in very good shape, this thrilled me completely. I know that it was through their help I was able to complete the course. The opening to show me just how powerful the Violet Flame is truly more than amazing, it is beautiful and totally unlimited for our life.

    1. Victoria,
      Thank you for this Wonderful Story! I hope you see this response!
      with love,Paula

    1. Dear Pam,

      Anyone can give the violet flame prayers, decrees, and invocations to help others heal from illness, negative karmic conditions and more.
      Every time someone gives the violet flame, it blesses the world and mankind.
      All the best,

  6. Paula I bless everyone.
    People who do not like me, people who have hurt me (www.webreakfree.com) and there
    was a lot of people.
    I send blessings to them everyday.

  7. A very young child made a “Thank You” card for me. My co-worker had five children, and she was a single parent. On the Friday before payday, when finances were stretched for her, I would give her money to buy pizza or special take outs for the family.

    Her children drew “thank you” cards and they were wonderful.

    One card was a picture of me, surrounded by a thousand violet flames.

    The mother said to me, ‘I’m so sorry, I don’t know what that is..she is so young.” I told her I loved it, I did.

    This child saw the violet flame, I invoked daily.

    1. Hi Felix,

      I am so happy you found the site and the teachings on violet flame and transmutation.
      I hope you sign up for the violet flame challenge and receive the thirty days of free teachings and support.

      All the best,

  8. Thank you for everything you are doing helping us as beings of Light and Love 💕. Together as One Love with the creator we are stronger and take back our sovereign rights as Gods children. Spreading this Unconditional Love Grace Forgiveness and Compassion for all Life is our way of Helping Humanity and Mother Earth/Gaia to heal. A Dream of mine too see a world with Peace Harmony Love and Joy.

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